Ministry ContactLink
Parish Activities Coordinator

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Scheduling of facilities and calendar for parish wide events.

See calendar here.
Knights of ColumbusJeff SchandevelVisit KofC English

Visit KofC Spanish
Catholic Daughters Catholic Daughters Carolyn Graham

Visit Catholic Daughters
Emmaus Men’s Program (Spanish) Jose Reyes

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Emmaus Women’s Program (Spanish) Margarita Reyes
Charismatic Program Coordinator (Spanish)Humberto and Claudia Adame

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Saturday 5pm Mass (English) ChoirMary Ann Yurko

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Sunday Mass (English) ChoirSam Edwards

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Sunday 5:30pm Mass (Spanish) Choir Jesus Garcia

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Adult Bible Study Program John LaFata

First Friday Adoration Programno representative
BiLingual Altar Server ProgramAlma Amsler and Mrs. Martin (Jessica’s Mom)

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Homebound Ministries (Nursing Homes, Hospital Visits, etc.) Mary Easter and Amy Huber

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Weekend Mass (English) Lectors, Greeters,
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
White Glove Ministry (Volunteer Cleaning on Parish Campus)
Green Thumb Ministry (Volunteer Landscaping and Gardening on Parish Campus)
Spanish Program Coordinators Salvador and Imelda Gamez

High School Youth Ministry Leader Jessica Martin Portillo
Visit Youth Ministry
Middle School Faith Formation and Sacramental PreparationNicki Conroy

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Visit Youth Ministry
Elementary School Faith Formation and Sacramental PreparationNicki Conroy

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Visit Youth Ministry
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program (K-1st Grade) Visit CGS
Wedding Coordinator Visit Sacraments
Flocknote (Parish Communication) Ministry Nicki Conroy

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Parish Census Update Ministry Please contact the Parish Office

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Parish Office Volunteer Ministry
Collection Counter Ministry
Charlotte Diocese Multi-Cultural Ministries Link
Visit Multicultural Ministries
Charlotte Diocese Hispanic Ministries LinkVisit Multicultural Ministries Hispanic

Living Waters Catholic
Reflection Center
Maggie Valley, NC
Visit Catholic Retreat
Pilgrim Queen Prayer Ministry
"Do whatever HE tells you." John 2:5
12 Months - Four Images of Mary go home with families - Our Pilgrim Queen Pray for Us!

These images of our Blessed Mother go home with a family after our 11am English Mass and 5:30pm Spanish Mass at St. John the Evangelist. The families are invited to read enclosed brochure explaining the particular apparition and pray the rosary each day.

- February, March, April = Our Lady of Lourdes
- May, June, July = Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- August, September, October = Our Lady of Fatima
- November, December, January = Our Lady of Guadalupe
Elijah Cup Vocation Prayer Ministry
"As the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into HIS harvest field." Matthew 9:38
A chalice, paten, purificator, corporal, and Charlotte Diocese prayer card for vocations go home with a family after our 11am English Mass and 5:30pm Spanish Mass at St. John the Evangelist. The families are invited to read enclosed brochure about vocations to the priesthood and consecrated (religious sister and brother) life.