Ministry | Contact | Link |
Parish Activities Coordinator | Contact the Church Office | Scheduling of facilities and calendar for parish wide events. See calendar here. |
Knights of Columbus | Jeff Schandevel | Visit KofC English Visit KofC Spanish |
Catholic Daughters Catholic Daughters | Carolyn Graham
| Visit Catholic Daughters |
Emmaus Men’s Program (Spanish) | Jose Reyes | |
Emmaus Women’s Program (Spanish) | Margarita Reyes | |
Charismatic Program Coordinator (Spanish) | Humberto and Claudia Adame | |
Saturday 5pm Mass (English) Choir | Mary Ann Yurko | |
Sunday Mass (English) Choir | Sam Edwards | |
Sunday 5:30pm Mass (Spanish) Choir | Jesus Garcia | |
Adult Bible Study Program | John LaFata
| |
First Friday Adoration Program | no representative | |
BiLingual Altar Server Program | Alma Amsler and Mrs. Martin (Jessica’s Mom) | |
Homebound Ministries (Nursing Homes, Hospital Visits, etc.) | Mary Easter and Amy Huber | |
Weekend Mass (English) Lectors, Greeters, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | ||
White Glove Ministry (Volunteer Cleaning on Parish Campus) | ||
Green Thumb Ministry (Volunteer Landscaping and Gardening on Parish Campus) | ||
Spanish Program Coordinators | Salvador and Imelda Gamez | |
High School Youth Ministry Leader | Jessica Martin Portillo | Visit Youth Ministry |
Middle School Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation | Nicki Conroy | Visit Youth Ministry |
Elementary School Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation | Nicki Conroy | Visit Youth Ministry |
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program (K-1st Grade) | Visit CGS | |
Wedding Coordinator | Visit Sacraments | |
Flocknote (Parish Communication) Ministry | Nicki Conroy | |
Parish Census Update Ministry | Please contact the Parish Office | |
Parish Office Volunteer Ministry | ||
Collection Counter Ministry | ||
Charlotte Diocese Multi-Cultural Ministries Link | Visit Multicultural Ministries | |
Charlotte Diocese Hispanic Ministries Link | Visit Multicultural Ministries Hispanic |
Living Waters Catholic Reflection Center Maggie Valley, NC | Visit Catholic Retreat | |
Pilgrim Queen Prayer Ministry "Do whatever HE tells you." John 2:5 12 Months - Four Images of Mary go home with families - Our Pilgrim Queen Pray for Us! | These images of our Blessed Mother go home with a family after our 11am English Mass and 5:30pm Spanish Mass at St. John the Evangelist. The families are invited to read enclosed brochure explaining the particular apparition and pray the rosary each day. - February, March, April = Our Lady of Lourdes - May, June, July = Our Lady of Mount Carmel - August, September, October = Our Lady of Fatima - November, December, January = Our Lady of Guadalupe | |
Elijah Cup Vocation Prayer Ministry "As the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into HIS harvest field." Matthew 9:38 | A chalice, paten, purificator, corporal, and Charlotte Diocese prayer card for vocations go home with a family after our 11am English Mass and 5:30pm Spanish Mass at St. John the Evangelist. | The families are invited to read enclosed brochure about vocations to the priesthood and consecrated (religious sister and brother) life. |