Visit to Western Carolina University Football Practice
Visit to Western Carolina University Football Practice - Fall 2018 “It is so important to support coaches in these days. Coaches have a special door into the hearts of the young people who play on their teams. They truly can be transformational coaches... who transform the lives of the young people through sport and virtue.” See Belmont Abbey College Sport Virtue Institute Link below. Fr. Richard Sutter supports Dr. Bill Thierfelder and team in this effort...
Prayer Knocks, Fasting Obtains, Mercy Receives
From a sermon by Saint Peter Chrysologus, bishop (Sermo 43: PL 52, 320, 322) Prayer knocks, fasting obtains, mercy receives “There are three things, my brethren, by which faith stands firm, devotion remains constant, and virtue endures. They are prayer, fasting and mercy. Prayer knocks at the door, fasting obtains, mercy receives. Prayer, mercy and fasting: these three are one, and they give life to each other. Fasting is the soul of prayer, mercy is the lifeblood of fasting. Let no one try to separate them; they cannot be separated. If you have only one of them or not all together, you have nothing. So if you pray, fast; if you fast, show mercy; if you want your petition to be heard, hear the petition of others. If you do not close your ear to others you open God’s ear to yourself.” “...When you fast, see the fasting of others. If you want God to know that you are hungry, know that another is hungry. If you hope for mercy, show mercy. If you look for kindness, show kindness. If you want to receive, give. If you ask for yourself what you deny to others, your asking is a [...]
College Visits
2018 – 2019 College Visits Fr. Richard visits college students who attend his parish. “It is so important to go visit the college age parishioners and take them out to eat. Actions speaking louder than words - visiting them can be the best way to accompany and support them through their college years.” Luke 24:13-35 Road to Emmaus... imitating Jesus in this way... accompanying the young people of our time is the best way to assist their journey with Christ. LEFT: Stephen Wenzel, Freshman at UNC Chapel Hill and parishioner at St. John the Evangelist, enjoys some good ole’ Haywood Smokehouse BBQ with Fr. Richard during his College Spring Break visit home. BELOW: Fall 2018 Fr. Richard visits Raleigh. Stephen Wenzel (UNC Chapel Hill Freshman) and Sean LaFatta (NC State Senior) - both parishioners at St. John the Evangelist enjoy a steak dinner out with Fr. Richard Sutter, along with 5 other NC State Freshmen who graduated from Charlotte Catholic. Among the Charlotte Catholic Graduates were Matt Edel and Katherine Gustafson - both are parishioners at the Cathedral of St. Patrick where Fr. Richard served as the parochial vicar (2016-2018). Thanks to a kind [...]
Fr. Richard – A Short Bio
Fr. Richard Sutter - A Short Bio Fr Richard Sutter - Priest of the Charlotte Diocese... (prefers to be called Fr Richard) A native of Atlanta, Ga from a family of 6 (4 brothers and one sister). His parents, Lloyd and Jill Sutter, have taken up residence in Melbourne, FL. His Dad is a retired permanent Deacon. Fr Richard is happy to also call Florida home - a favorite vacation place of his to visit his Mom’s side of the family in the Lake Wales, FL area. Fr Richard is a big fan of all sports and outdoor activities - but particularly enjoys training from Ironman Triathlons. His great accomplishment on the sport of triathlon was earning a slot to and competing in the 2017 Ironman 70.3 World Championship in Chattanooga, TN where he raced alongside 4,000 of the best amateur triathletes from 90 nations. He also enjoys winter snowboarding, bass and ocean fishing, and golf when his schedule permits. He says “golf is a sport that helps him practice all the virtues - particularly because the white ball and course gets the most of him.” The earliest childhood teacher he can remember with great affection was his [...]
Fr. Richard Preaching at St. Therese Parish Mission
Fr. Richard is away giving a Lenten Parish Mission at St. Therese Parish in Mooresville. Please pray that the Holy Spirit inspires all those in attendance. For more information please visit their web page: