“Rivers of Living Water will flow from His Heart.” – John 7:39

River’s will flow from the Heart of Jesus in these Carolina Smoky Mountains says Fr. Richard Sutter (Parochial Administrator, St. John the Evangelist in Waynesville). All are invited to come and drink!

Monument to the unborn with lighted fountain will be completed by July 20, 2019 in the St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church Cemetery in Waynesville, NC. This monument was a parishioner’s desire prior to here passing into eternal life several year ago. The parishioner left a significant monetary gift for the Pro-Life testimony on our St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church Campus.

“Rivers of Living Water will flow from His Heart.” John 7:39 – will be the scripture passage around the lower brick face of the fountain, while an inscription “monument to the unborn” will be placed on the top of the cement section of water fountain base.

Below is a five foot statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus carved from Carrara marble in Italy that is set to arrive at St. John the Evangelist in early July 2019.

Three feet tall Carrara Marble Angel Statues, like the one pictured below, will be placed on the top of each of the two columns that flank the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue and water fountain.

These statues will come at a latter date when parish has the funds to purchase them or a benefactor wishes to pay for them. This effort in the church cemetery will ultimately help create a special space of prayer and reflection, especially for those who are mourning the passing of a loved one. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

Anyone interested in helping the parish purchase the two angels from Italy – please contact Fr. Richard rfsutter@charlottediocese.org. Angels can be dedicated to a family member or friend in the cemetery.