Welcome to Saint John the Evangelist and Immaculate Conception!

Our patrons, St. John, the Beloved Disciple, and Our Immaculate Mother Mary, give us two beautiful examples of what it means to be a disciple/student/follower of Christ.  St. John rested his head against Our Lord’s chest at the Last Supper, listening to the heartbeat of God, and was present at the Cross as Our Lord won our salvation; Our Lady gave her yes, went immediately to her cousin Elizabeth in her need, brought Jesus into the world, told the servants at Cana to “do whatever He asks”, and was also there accompanying Our Lord at the Cross.

Following their examples, we at SJE and IC seek to be intentional about our discipleship—something that requires both action AND contemplation; is fed and nourished by the Eucharist, the Word, and our personal prayer lives; and seeks the good of all in our community—parochially and county/citywide.

You are most welcome at our parish as we strive to be Saints in our often crazy world.  May the beauty of Our Lord in this area of North Carolina and in this special community allow you to experience His presence in a life-changing way.  May God bless you and Our Lady keep you!


Fr. Paul McNulty